Medical Assistant programs in San Diego and beyond have been busier than ever to meet the demand of healthcare roles, along with others such as LVN and CNA programs. As of now, medical assistant jobs are forecasted to increase by nearly 15% through 2032, and classified as “much faster than average” by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Medical Assistants are vital members of the healthcare industry, handling a variety of clinical and administrative tasks to support physicians, nurses, and other healthcare professionals. But to succeed in your future career, you’ll want an MA program with the right accreditations, a supportive faculty, and a modern facility—critical aspects that will prepare you for true success.

Read further to get an overview of MA programs and how to choose the best one for you. If you reside in or around San Diego, be sure to explore DCI’s accelerated 10-week MA program.

What Do Medical Assistant Programs Cover?

Medical Assistants act as the liaison between healthcare professionals, from doctors and pharmacists to insurance companies, and patients. As a student, you’ll learn how to carry out administrative duties, such as greeting patients and calling in prescriptions, as well as clinical tasks like recording vital signs and performing basic lab tests. This is all done through a combination of lectures and labs.

MA programs generally range from several months to two years depending on the certification you pursue (CMA, CCMA, RMA). Other programs offer accelerated options, such as Dalrada Career Institute’s 10-week MA program in San Diego, which is a 320-hour program combining ten weeks of instruction with a clinical externship.

Choosing the Right Medical Assistant Program in San Diego

There are several Medical Assistant programs in San Diego, all sharing the same curriculum—but there’s so much more that makes for a quality program. When weighing your options, be sure to consider the following:


Accreditation is important for several reasons: it ensures that you receive a high-quality education, it makes you eligible for financial aid and scholarships, and it prepares you for certification exams and licensure.

It also helps if your institute of choice is approved for testing. DCI, for example, is NCCT-certified, meaning it is an approved National Center for Competency Testing/Site.


Medical Assistant programs cover the clinical and administrative aspects of the profession, as well as the general education courses relevant to the field.

Quality programs will offer a balanced curriculum that covers a range of topics. At DCI, these include patient care principles, medical records, anatomy and physiology, medical terminology, and more. It’s important to choose a program that provides a mix of lectures and hands-on learning as well, such as labs and externships, that can best prepare you for the role.


The faculty of any Medical Assistant program should be qualified and supportive, led by instructors with relevant credentials and practical experience in the healthcare field.

Also consider looking for a program that has a lower student-to-faculty ratio, which allows for more personalized attention and feedback. You can get a feel for a program’s atmosphere by reading student reviews online. Plenty of former students have left feedback for DCI’s (formerly IHG) programs on Yelp, for example.


To get the most out of your MA program, choose a program with a modern and well-equipped facility that can accurately simulate real-world scenarios. This varies from program to program, so it’s important to weigh your options.

This is another question that could be answered by some online reviews, or by quickly checking the program’s website for any mention of their lab space. Most programs will include details about their lab facilities on their program or About pages, along with average exam pass rates and other details to help with your decision.


Of course, your optimal Medical Assistant program will suit your lifestyle and preferences – which includes the location and necessary transportation.

A program that’s close to your home, work, or other commitments is always preferable, so that you can save time and money on transportation. Maybe you even want to join a program where you can enjoy the benefits of living in San Diego, be it the beach, the city, or everything in between.

DCI’s Medical Assistant Program in San Diego

If the MA field is in your future and you’re in or around San Diego, now is the time to act by joining a local accredited Medical Assistant program! Local establishments like the Dalrada Career Institute, formerly International Health Group (IHG), can set you up with the necessary knowledge and skills with our accelerated 10-week program.

Interested in becoming a certified Medical Assistant in San Diego in just 10 weeks? A supportive faculty and state-of-the-art facility await you at Dalrada Career Institute. Learn more about DCI’s MA program or contact us today for details.

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